Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Step Three - Mom's Working Binder

There is a lot of information in the Unit Binders and Weekly Folders. To make it manageable to use each week, you are going to create a Working Binder with just the information needed for 3 weeks at a time - the current week and the upcoming 2.

  • 1 1/2 " binder
  • tabbed divider pages
  • 3 pocket pages
You can find printable TOG covers and spines, such as the ones you received with your curriculum, here:
Start off by taking weeks 1-3 out of your large Unit One Binder, and placing them in the smaller Working Binder. Place a pocket page at the front of each Week. Take your Weekly Folder for week 1 and move the Evaluations, field trip info, project planning sheet, and Additional resources sheet to the pocket folder in front of week 1. Do the same for weeks 2 and 3.
Place 5 tabbed divider pages at the back of the binder. Label them Assignments, Evaluations (if using), Projects, Additional Resources / Field Trips, and Co-op ( if you are in a TOG co-op ) This is where you will place the sheets when you have finished a week, and keep any Co-op information.
Make a copy of a blank monthly calendar for each month, and place in the front of the binder. Write in any field trips, Co-op days, Unit Celebrations, assignment deadlines, library days, etc. Blank printable calendars can be found at http://www.printfree.com/Calendars.htm
Keep a copy of your weekly school schedule in front of the calendars.
This would also be a good place to keep a list of library books that you have checked out.
Two to three weeks before starting school, read through the Reading Assignment Lists . Place a check mark next to the books you already have, and reserve any books you need from the library. Check the TOG website for recommended websites, etc. under the Year and Week you are using, and write them down on your additional resources list. Check to see if recommended videos are available to rent or borrow. Buy the supplies you will need for any hands-on projects. ( or you could do this once for the entire unit )
At the end of Week 1, you will transfer the Week 1 pages back to the Unit Binder and add Week 4 to the Working Binder. Move the past week's lists and papers from the pocket folder to the tabbed sections at the back of the binder. Place your children's finished assignment sheets in the Assignment section, and any completed quizzes in the Evaluations section.

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